Monday, January 5, 2009

First Monday of '09

First, thanks to all who participated in my latest poll! Seems none of us make "real" New Year's Resolutions. And that is OK. Personally, I think setting goals is more attainable and realistic.

How was the first Monday of the new year? Not bad. Things at work went much more smoothly than I thought they would have. I got up on time today and got in a good workout. I have my meals planned for the rest of the week. All is well.

What does a new year mean? A new me? New ideas? Job change? Possibly. But most likely it will mean smaller changes in my life. Practicing patience. Not yelling at the boys for just being kids. Letting go of all those little things. Becoming closer to God. And yeah, losing those lost 17 or so aggravating pounds.

It will also mean watching my boys grow. Michael will be 12 soon and I must start preparing myself for the reality that he is becoming a young man. Adam is learning more and more each day and I'm starting to see where his talents lie. I must take those sweet moments that sneak up on us and treasure them. I will take more pictures this year.

Share your thoughts, goals or dreams for 2009!

1 comment:

Jo-Jo said...

Let me know how the "not yelling" thing goes and then tell me how you did it!